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Corresponding Author
Siti Nurhayati
Public Health Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University
Background: It is urgently necessary to measure the success of an information technology system for management to examine its added value to institution. It is necessary to examine the success rate to detect any problems which may disturb service, management and decision making processes at health facilities.The Delone and Mc.Lean method is employed to obtain information of how e-health related to hardware, software, brainware and sociotechnical issues performs. Purpose: Examining the success rate of e-health implementation performs in the service area of department of health of Banyumas Regency Indonesia. Methods: This cross sectional analytical research has 39 public health centers as its sample and employs linear regression and correlation analyses. Results: The results of this research state that there is relationship between information system quality and e-health system use; There is no relationship between information system quality and user satisfaction; There is relationship between information quality and e-health system use; There is relationship between information quality and user satisfaction; There is relationship between service quality and user satisfaction; There is relationship between user satisfaction and e-health system use; There is relationship between system use and Net benefit; There is relationship between user satisfaction and Net benefit; There is relationship between organization and Net benefit. The following line equations are generated: e-health system use = 3.008 + 0.117 (Information system quality) + 0.126 (Information quality) + 0.018 (service quality). E-health system use = 3.843 + 0.273 (user satisfaction). User satisfaction = 6.432 + 0.036 (information system quality) + 0.203 (information quality) + 0.317 (service quality). Net Benefit = 10.349 + 0.842 (e-health system use). Net Benefit = 11.786 + 0.343 (user satisfaction). Conclusion: The determinants success model of e-health implementation of this research are: information system quality, information quality, user satisfaction, system use, and net benefit.
e-health, Delone and Mc.Lean
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
Yudith Violetta Pamulang
1 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
2 Department Surgery and Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
3 Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
4 Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
Fracture is disconnection of bone continuity caused by trauma, pressure, or pathological disorder. On the other hand, fracture healing is a complex process and needed a long time to rejoin without leaving wound. To fasten this process, an implant material is needed as a replacement for damaged bone tissues. Biphasic calcium phospate (BCP) is a biomaterial phase of the building materials of bone and teeth, and collagen in bone implant is a structural protein that helps osteoblast mediators. This research is aimed to create formula from biphasic calcium phospate (BCP) and collagen in gel preparation as drug delivery system and bone filler. Gel bonegraft is made in two formulas with different compositions: 1) Formulation 1 (10% collagen in gel), 2) Formulation 2 (15% collagen in gel). Evaluation of gel preparation comprises of organoleptic, and pH testing. Test results show that the preparation is white in color, has smooth texture, semisolid form, pH of 5 - 6. Both gel formulation can be used to deliver bonegraft biomaterial on each bone fragments.
Fracture; bonegraft; biomaterial; gel; Biphasic Calsium Phosphate
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
Riama Marlyn Sihombing
Faculty of Nursing
Universitas Pelita Harapan Jakarta, Indonesia
Background: Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience related to both actual and potential tissue damage. Uncontrolled pain had a negative impact on postoperative recovery, complications, poor quality of life and the risk of prolonged pain. Postoperative pain were subjective and can be influenced by gender. Visual analogue scale was a pain assessment tools that can be used to evaluation of postoperative pain. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare pain intensity of male and female postoperative patients using visual analogue scale. Methods: This study applied a observational analytic design with a cross-sectional approach. The sample included 89 postoperative patients who admitted to surgical ward were determined by purposive-sampling. Data was collected using observation sheet using visual analogue scale were evaluated for pain intensity within 24 hours after surgery which 3 times observation. Results: This study demonstrated that more than a half (60.70%) respondent were females. Mean visual analogue scale at 8 hours after surgery was 55.13 mm while mean visual analogue scale at 16 hours and 24 hours after surgery was 37.75 mm and 21.56 mm respectively. Using Mann-Whitney analysis, we found that none of the observation had significant difference correlation between visual analogue scale and gender. Conclusion: This study reflects that gender has no contributes to postoperative pain. According to this study it is recommended to evaluate the another factors that influence postoperative pain using visual analogue scale
postoperative pain, visual analogue scale, gender
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
Arni Amir
Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas
Propoxur is classified as bad actor because of its high toxicity. If inhaled or absorbed the body can obscure vision, excessive sweating, dizziness, headache, and weak body. Propoxur also decreases the activity of enzymes that play a role in nerve transmission, and adversely affects the liver and reproduction. Propoxur is a middle class poison. If inhaled or absorbed by the human body can obscure vision, excessive sweating, dizziness, headache, and weak body. Propoxur can also reduce enzyme activity which plays a role in nerve transmission, and adversely affects the liver and reproduction. Study aimed to determine the effect of propoxur exposure toward estradiol level and estradiol receptors in Rattus novergicus female. The experimental rats were divided into 4 groups, namely: the first group of control groups as many as 8 groups were not given treatment, the second group was the treatment group (P1) this group was given propoxur 1 spray for 30 minutes, the third group (P2) this group was given propoxur 2 spray for 60 minutes, and the third group (P3) is given propoxur 3 times the spray for 90 minutes, the estrus cycle is examined every time estrus. Collection of serum and ELISA examination on hormone levels of estradiol and its receptors Results showed there were significant differences between the control group and the treatment group exposed to Propoxur for 30 minutes (19.5869 ± 4.9731), 60 minutes (20.0920 ± 5.7529), and 90 minutes (25.8703 ± 4.0753). There was a long-standing effect of Propoxur toward Estradiol hormone (p = 0.000). There were also significant differences of estradiol receptor (p = 0.008) between the control group and the treatment group exposed to Propoxur for 30 minutes (1.8489 ± 0.9017), 60 minutes (2.3844 ± 1.4296), and 90 minutes (3.1634 ± 0.9936). Based on statistical tests, it concluded that there is a long-standing effect of Propoxur. The longer exposure to Propoxur the higher the level of estradiol receptors.
propoxur, estradiol hormone and estradiol reseptor
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
Mujahadatuljannah Mujahadatuljannah
1* Student of Magister Midwifery, ‘Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta , Indonesia
2 Lecturer of Magister Midwifery, ‘Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta , Indonesia
3Lecturer of Magister Midwifery, ‘Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
‘Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta
Background: Cervical cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer in women with an estimated 570,000 new cases in 2018 and an incidence 266,000 cases of death. Cancer no longer focuses only how long a patient can survive but also how health related quality of life patient. Quality of life is useful for overcoming the symptoms of cancer optimally because can be an additional information in monitoring, evaluating the effectiveness of treatments provided and patients response to cancer and treatment carried out. The quality of life among cervical cancer survivors is related to various factors. Purpose: This study aims to determine the factors associated with quality of life among cervical cancer survivors. Method: This study uses a systematic literature review method by searching 2 databases; PubMed and Sciencedirect. Articles published in English from 2008-2018 were searched. Results: The results of this review show factors associated with quality of life among cervical cancer survivors include the type of treatment (surgery, radiation with/without chemotherapy), stage of cervical cancer (early stage or advanced stage), duration/time of treatment (short or long term treatment), comorbidity (have less or more), self-esteem, age (younger or older), education (high or low), health insurance, economic status (income), social support and family support. Conclusion: We have identified factors that contribute significantly to good quality of life include patients who received only surgery, early stage of cervical cancer, long term treatment, less comorbidity, higher self-esteem, younger age, higher education, having health insurance, higher household income, good social support and good family support.
factor; quality of life; cervical cancer; survivors
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
Lutfi Handayani
1 Student of Midwifery, Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta
2 Lecturer of Master of Midwifery, Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta
3 Lecturer of Master of Midwifery, Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta
Aisyiyah Yogyakarta University
Background: Globally 34 million people are living with HIV-AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) and 23.5 million live in sub-Saharan Africa. Increased prevalence of HIV to decreased dramatically in Penderia AIDS deaths by 32%, demographics or the environment, the change of status of HIV positive and HIV negative into economic and social challenges of being diagnosed with HIV. Transformation conditions become chronic HIV patients can be treated by increasing the effectiveness of immunology treatment with health-related quality of life programs or called Health releated Quality of Life (HRQOL). The purpose of this study is to review the factors that affect the quality of life of people living with HIV in the health sphere. Method: Studies apprasial program uses Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP), and methods of synthesis using a modification PEOS data sources available from PubMed, Medline, and ProQuest. Results: Results and discussion journals give a very big that in developed countries the level of religious people living with HIV are very powerful effect on the adherence of HIV to ARVs (Anti Retro Virus) and people living with HIV can coping health problems with both, particularly the psychosocial issues that affect the role of people living with HIV itself, in contrast to the level of religious people living with HIV in developing countries, they tend to be less in the exercise of religious or spiritual impact on fear, not trust or bad stigma from society and tend to be non compliant in taking ARVs. Conclusion: HRQOL in people with HIV-AIDS affects 50% of physical health, psychosocial health 30%, 20% mental-emotional and spiritual or religious.
Quality of life, HIV/AIDS
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
Iffah Humaidah
Jenderal Soedirman Of University
Background: Premature infants can experience stress due to heat loss. Good temperature regulation is required to maintain a stable temperature in preterm infants. Environmental management strategies nurseries to maintain a stable temperature in premature babies is done with care development (developmental care). One of the actions of developmental care is the use of nesting Methodology: This study used a quasi-experimental design with a non-randomized design of pre-test and post-test with control group design. Respondents represented 44 premature infants were divided into 2 groups. The intervention group and control with 22 babies each. Nesting administered over 30 minutes, and carried out in the morning and afternoon. Instrument used observation sheet which containts the characteristics of the responden (gestasional age, infant weight, frequency of pulse,sex). The statistical test used Saphiro Wilk test, Wilcoxon alternative test. Bivariate test using Mann Whitney. Research result: Body temperature in the control group showed a p-value = 0.059, in the intervention group body temperature before and after nesting value of p = 0.000. This means that the results showed no significant difference in body temperature before and after nesting in the intervention group Conclusion : The use of nesting in premature babies is able to keep the baby-s body temperature still warm
Developmental care, Nesting, Premature, Body Temperature.
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
1. Department of Medical physic, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas
2. Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas
3. Center of Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency,Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong,Indonesia
Corresponding Author: Aisyah Elliyanti
Email: aelliyanti[at]
Background: Radioiodine has been known as an adjuvant therapy for thyroid cancer. Beside thyroid, radioiodine is taken up by breast tissue. So, radioiodine is expected can be as an alternative for breast cancer therapy. The aim of this study was to analyze uptake and toxicity of radioiodine in the SKBR-3 cell line. Material and Method: This study used SKBR-3 cell line that represent a HER2 type of breast cancer. Cells were planted in DMEM medium added 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), panstrep 1% and amphotericin B. Cells were grown until 80% confluent and then stripped. Subsequently the cells were sub-cultured on plates 12 and 6 wells respectively for measured uptake and toxicity of radioiodine. Radioiodine uptake was calculated by sum efflux of 125 Iodine (125I) and the amount of uptake after the addition of 95% ethanol. Radioiodine toxicity was measured by calculated the 131Iodine (131I) effect to cell proliferation using clonogenic assay. Results: Radioiodine was taken up by SKBR3 cells and the average of uptake was 194 ± 50 cpm/106 cell. Radioiodine showed reducing of cell proliferation. The average cell proliferation after 131I exposure was 47 ± 6%. Conclusion: Radioiodine is taken by SKBR3 cells and it demonstrate the toxicity to the cell. Our finding shows an opportunity for radioiodine as an alternative for breast cancer therapy. Further study is need to understand the mechanism.
Radioiodine, SKBR3 cell line, breast cancer
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
Indah Wijayanti
Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
Background : there is a trend of increasing Caesarean Section (CS) in several hospital, in private hospital or government hospital, even though the risk of mother giving birth through CS surgery is greater than normal delivery (vaginal delivery). The national percentage of CS delivery is around 15,3%. Generally in Indonesia, the number of CS deliveries in government hospital is 25% of total deliveries. While in private hospitals the number are very high at around 30-80% of total deliveries. The next nonpharmacological method is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is one of nonpharmacological method to reduce pain. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of aromatherapy towards reduction the level of pain in the mother giving birth. Method:. Use three databases; PUBMED, proquest and sciencedirect. Result: Aromatherapy provides relaxation. This also increases the mothers ability to deal with labor pain. Other than that aromatherapy is also used to reduce pain and treat anxiety. Conclusion: Inhaled aromatherapy activates the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, endorphins, and norepinephrine in the hypothalamic pituitary axis and modulates neuroreceptors in the immune system, change mood, reduce anxiety, and improve stress response. Inhaling aromatherapy can relieve pain and treat anxiety. Aromatherapy as a treatment to help reduce pain, other than that aromatherapy to help reduce excessive anxiety in the mother giving birth is by providing aromatherapy in the delivery room. Aromatherapy has analgesic properties and contains Linalyl acetate which can relieve pain.
aromatherapy, labor pain
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
bedjo utomo
1,2,3,4Department of Electromedical Engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Ultraviolet (UV) sterilization is one of the methods of use of Ultaviolet (UV) radiation to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. This research aims to know the influence of the magnitude of the power lights and long exposure to to ultraviolet rays against the ability of bacteria to grow. This research includes research type experiments with one group sample design. As a dependent variable is the bacteria E-Coli, the independent variable is the use of the power lights and UV exposure while the old variable control design tool is a module-based Microcontroller AtMega 8. Analysis of data processing method using coli MPN (Most Probably Number). From the results of the test statistic indicates that the power lamp has no effect significantly or &
UVc Sterilization, e. Coli MPN Method, Statistics
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
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